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Top 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Roundup Lawyer

For the millions of Americans who work in the agriculture industry or tend their yards, most are familiar with Roundup. This weed killer was introduced to the market in 1974 by Monsanto. In 2018, Monsanto was acquired by Bayer. Since its introduction, it has been used by countless Americans to control weeds in environments that include commercial agriculture, personal gardens, and residential yards. 

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has been classified as a potential carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that glyphosate is safe, but there are ongoing legal disputes and research that link this ingredient to cancer.

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Roundup lawsuits continue to be filed across the country by people who allege their exposure to glyphosate has contributed to developing cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Roundup lawsuits claim that Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, did not adequately warn about the potential cancer connection and may not have disclosed evidence of the personal health risks when using this product. Some Roundup lawsuits have been settled for millions to billions of dollars, while others remain before the courts. Claims continue to be filed against Bayer.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to Roundup and believe this exposure led to a cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Eligibility to file a Roundup lawsuit is based on various conditions, like the extent of exposure, your diagnosis date, and your state’s statute of limitations. Consulting with an experienced Roundup attorney can help evaluate your claim and provide legal advice on how to proceed.

Benefits of Hiring a Roundup Attorney

There are several reasons why you should hire an experienced Roundup attorney when considering filing a claim.

1. Hold Manufacturers Accountable. For years, Roundup was sold to everyday consumers for use around their yards and to commercial customers who used Roundup during their business operations. Those who were exposed to glyphosate while using Roundup may not have been aware of the potential health risks they faced.

Monsanto and Bayer can be held accountable for a cancer diagnosis or other illness connected with glyphosate by filing a lawsuit. Holding manufacturers accountable for their dangerous and defective products is a right consumers can act on. A manufacturer should compensate injured consumers if they withhold evidence about the potential health risks of their product. By filing a dangerous product lawsuit, you can raise awareness and help keep others safe from harmful products.

2. Timing. There may be a statute of limitations present in your state that determines how long you have to file a claim of this kind. An experienced Roundup attorney will be familiar with any Roundup lawsuit filing deadlines and be aware of the navigation forward if you wish to proceed with a claim. 

3. Attorney Resources. The lawyer you hire to represent you in a Roundup claim should take all necessary steps to build a strong case. They should be knowledgeable in Roundup lawsuits and understand the compensation you are entitled to for your specific injuries. During a free and confidential consultation, ask what resources the firm will leverage to position your Roundup claim for success. This might include collecting evidence, contacting and hiring expert witnesses, collecting medical reports, and weighing settlement options. Ask the law firm you are considering hiring how they would proceed with your claim.

4. Complexity. A Roundup lawsuit is complicated. Collecting evidence, reviewing case materials, and proving a connection between exposure to Roundup and a cancer diagnosis is complex. Consulting and hiring a Roundup attorney can help simplify the process. An attorney or law firm with expertise in handling Roundup claims can help ease the long and difficult process. Their expertise can work for you. Due to the complex nature of these types of claims, hiring an attorney with experience in Roundup claims is advised.

5. Evaluating Settlements. During the process, a settlement of your claim may be considered. If you hire a Roundup attorney, they will have a good understanding of whether the settlement is appropriate. An attorney with Roundup expertise will have a solid understanding of whether the settlement is close to what someone with your injuries may be entitled to. 

In 2023, Bayer stopped selling glyphosate-based Roundup products for residential use in the U.S. However, Roundup is still being sold for agricultural and commercial use across the nation. The active ingredient, glyphosate, remains available for use in these settings. Those working in these industries are placing their health at risk when exposed to Roundup. 

While Roundup claims are before the courts and continue to be filed, it is not too late to consider filing a claim if you or a loved one has been exposed to Roundup and believes that this exposure is connected to a cancer diagnosis.

When it comes to health, filing a lawsuit against a manufacturer with the support of an experienced lawyer can put your best foot forward. While an attorney is building a case against potential defendants, they are investigating and exploring whether your claim has merit. Using Roundup to treat weeds in your yard or at your place of business should not place your health at risk. But with mounting lawsuits filed in court, someone must be held accountable. Filing a Roundup lawsuit can help protect other consumers and make you whole.